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Local Collections & Directories
- Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics
- U.S.
National Militia Directory
- U.S.
Citizen Crime Prevention & Law Enforcement Directory
- Talk/News
Radio & TV Directory
- Libraries
Online Links to online library catalogs and collections.
- Primary
Sources Extensive collection of links and documents from
Rick Gardiner's site.
- Religious
Scriptures Online Links to the writings of the world's
major religions.
- Prime
Reading Recommended reading.
- Reading
- Reading
List #2
- Reading
recommended to the Continental Congress Indicating what
works may have influenced the drafting of the U.S. Constitution
Encyclopedias, Dictionaries and Thesauri
- Bouvier
Dictionary. Also available as two self-extracting
executables: Part 1 and Part 2, or two zip files: Part 1 and Part 2.
- Black's
Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed. 1910. 291.8MB.
- Law
Dictionary, Jacob Giles, 6th Ed. 1750.
- Wikipedia
Articles of Interest. Check these for fidelity to their
- Legal
Dictionary One of the FreeDictionary collection.
- Legal
Free and Online Collection of links.
Dictionary Find definitions of legal terms.
Glossary Find definitions of legal terms, from a
somewhat establishment viewpoint.
- The
Language Bin: On-line Dictionary Single query form
searches multiple online dictionaries.
Gateway to multiple online dictionaries.
- The
Dictionary Most comprehensive of the online
dictionaries, with more than 500,000 words.
- Merriam-Webster
Dictionary Online edition of their printed
- Online
Dictionary from Makes use of multiple
print dictionaries.
- Ahoi!
Online dictionaries & online translation.
- Your
Dictionary Combines dictionary and thesaurus functions.
- Webster
Dictionary Another online dictionary.
- Dictionary
Difficult Words Focus on words that are obscure or
difficult to define.
- Hypertext
Interface This has a mirror
- HyperDictionary
Interesting implementation, worthy of a visit.
- 1913
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary From the
U. of Chicago ARTFL Project.
- Online
Etymology Dictionary The historical origins and sounds
of English words.
- Roget's
Thesaurus Online reference of synonyms and related
- Encyclopedia
Britannica Another way to access the online
edition of this important reference.
- Encyclopedia
Britannica, 11th Edition Complete online version
of the last public domain edition, and arguably one of the best.
- Grolier
Encyclopedia Online Usage charge on this standard
- World
Book Online Usage charge on this encylopedia,
mainly directed at younger scholars.
Usage charge on this encylopedia, but has many short articles
that are free.
- The
Encyclopedia Mythica Compendium of mythology, legends,
and folklore.
Links to all kinds of reference sites and pages.
Links to all kinds of reference sites and pages.
- Librarians'
to the Internet Large searchable link collection
oriented toward library research.
- Research
Libraries Group System for sharing of resources among
- ProQuest
Formerly University Microfilms. Source for documents on
microfilm and microfiche.
- English-Greek,
Greek-English Online Dictionary Find Greek terms for
English words.
- English-Greek
Online Dictionary, S.C. Woodhouse (1910) Find Greek
terms for English words.
- Greek
Ligatures Tables of ancient and medieval character
combinations and abbreviations, useful for rendering manuscripts
into Greek fonts.
- Latin
and Grammar Aid Check the correctness of your Latin.
- Old
English to Modern English Translator The language of the
Anglo-Saxon legal tradition, before the Norman conquest.
- Middle
English Dictionary The language of the English legal
tradition, from the Norman conquest to the advent of printing in
- Early
modern English The language of the English legal
tradition, from about 1476 through about 1688. The language of
Shakespeare, which began to be used in the courts of England.
- Duetsche
Wφrterbuch Comprehenseive German dictionary with usages
since 1450.
Documentation & Data
- Robert's Rules of Order
Revised Online version of 1915 edition. Essential
manual for parliamentarians of deliberative assemblies. The HTML
files can also be downloaded all at once in a Zip archive for local use on your
- Translations
Collection of RROR in other languages.
- Parliamentary
Procedure Links to resources on making decisions in
deliberative assemblies.
- Google
Books Project to put every book online, often with OCR
text, but uncorrected.
- Books
Viewer Tool to search all searchable books in their
collection for words or phrases and display frequency on a
graph. Can be used to find historical usages of terms.
- The
Books Page Archive at the U. of Pennsylvania.
- Evans
Edition Plan to eventually put online images of every
printed work from 1639 through 1800.
- Hypertext
on American History From the colonial period to modern
- History
Economics Services E-texts on economics.
- Natural
Law, Natural Rights, and American Constitutionalism From
the Witherspoon Institute.
- Center
for the Study of the Great Ideas From the editors of The
Great Books of the Western World.
- Index
Dictionaries on the WWW Links to every known dictionary.
- Questia
Large collection of online books, but only viewable one page
at at time.
- The
Library The Latin classics in Latin.
- Office of
Population Research Comprehensive data on population
growth, distribution, and factors affecting birth and death
- Intelligence
CounterIntelligence Extensive collection of links on
intelligence and counterintelligence matters.
Government & Law
The Annotated Constitution
GPO, CRS [PDF], 2628p. Project of the Congressional Research
Service (CRS) and Government Printing Office (GPO). Annotated
references to Supreme Court decisions arranged by provision and
amendment. Some very large files.
- The
Constitution Annotated Findlaw rendition. Links to case
files on their site.
- Library
of Congress
- A Century Of Lawmaking:
- Annals of
Congress Record of debates 1789-1824, which
offer the most insight into original understanding of
the Constitution.
- U.S. Statutes at
Large, complete collection, 1789-2007, with
selections for tax statutes of 1917-1939.
- U.S. Code,
partial collection, 1926
- United
States Code (USC) Cornell University rendition
See especially the following:
- 12 USC 95 Emergency Rule
- 18 USC 241 Conspiracy Against
- 18 USC 242 Deprivation of
Rights under Color of Law
- 18 USC 921 Firearms,
- 18 USC 922 Firearms, Unlawful
- 18 USC 2382 Misprision of
- 18 USC Ch.211 Jurisdiction
and Venue
- 18 USC Ch.215 Grand Jury
- 42 USC 1983 Civil action for
deprivation of rights
- United
States Code Searchable tool provided by GPO.
- United
States Code Searchable tool provided by the Office of
the Law Revision Counsel.
- Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) Searchable tool provided by
Search Engine More powerful, beta version, may not
return all results of a search on the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR). See Search
Tips for instructions.
- Office of
the Law Revision Counsel, U.S. House of Representatives
These are the people who are restating the Statutes at Large (SAL) into the United
States Code (USC), some of which have been
re-enacted as statutes and some of which have not, so it
requires some research to determine which are statutes and which
are only "evidence" of the statutes. The USC is not to be
confused with the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),
or with various government forms and instruction books, which
are a product of the various executive branch agencies,
allegedly based on the statutes or codes, but sometimes
extending and deviating from them in significant ways. The
application of provisions of the CFR to any but government
employees or contractors, or to visitors to government
facilities or users of government proprietary assets, is
unconstitutional exercise of the legislative power by the
executive branch agency. For more on this see the Borlase Guide.
- Internal
Revenue Code 26 USC, as of January 1, 2002.
- Uniform
Commercial Code (UCC)
- Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) Local copy as of 1997 June 15.
- US
Supreme Court Cases & Opinions Comprehensive free
archive from
- U.S.
Treasury Reports, complete collection, 1789-1980.
- FindLaw
Comprehensive archive of legal resources, including U.S.
Supreme Court decisions.
- CourtSystem
Comprehensive reference site for legal materials.
- Legal Information Institute Cornell archive of
legal resources, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions not
included in the Findlaw collection.
- Decisions by Justice
U.S. Supreme Court justices in alphabetical order, with
links to the decisions they signed.
- vLex
archive of legal resources, both U.S. and foreign.
- Supreme
Court of the United States Rules and status of cases.
- Oyez
Multimedia archive of the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Federal
Judicial Center Collection of publications, such as
litigation manuals.
- Public
Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) Electronic
public access service that allows users to obtain case and
docket information from Federal Appellate, District and
Bankruptcy courts, and from the U.S. Party/Case Index. A small
fee is charged for time or pages accessed.
- U.S.
Circuit Courts Starting with map of U.S. showing which
states are in which circuit, at Georgetown U. School of Law,
with links to decisions.
- Landmark Supreme Court Decisions
Local archive, with commentaries on the rulings and the
Database of matters related to the U.S. Supreme Court.
- United
Attorneys' Manual Useful reading for anyone who may have
to go against them.
- Appellate
Briefs Online Free and Fee Based.
- Brief
Reporter Extensive online collection of legal briefs on
many topics.
- CaseStream
Information of federal cases, active and inactive, civil,
criminal, and bankruptcy.
- Avalon
at Yale Law School Documents in law, history and
- The
Constitution Online documentation from the University of
- Bluebook:
A Uniform System of Citation Rules of typography and
formatting of legal writings. They are planning an online
- House
Senate Rules Rules of parliamentary procedure for each
house of Congress.
- Constitution
Making, resources for constitutional design A joint
project of the Comparative
Project (CCP) and the United
States Institute of Peace (USIP).
- MegaLaw
Extensive legal links and research tools.
- Jurisdictionary
Pre-trial tools.
- Zimmerman's
Guide Legal research tools.
- Directory
Pro Bono Programs Provided by American Bar Association.
- Big
Action/Civil Rights Contact service for pending and
proposed class-actions.
- Ancient
Sourcebook Collection of documents and links at Fordham
- Medieval
Sourcebook Collection of documents and links at Fordham
- Model
Editions Partnership Links to collections and standards
for marking up online documents.
- GovBot
Search engine for U.S. government sites and resources.
- U.S.
Federal Government Agencies Directory Provided by
Louisiana State University Library
- Internet
Library Now hosted by LawGuru.
- Law &
Politics Extensive collection of links to resources of
all kinds.
- Winservices
Research Links Directory and links to many legal
references and other resources.
- Rominger
Legal Links to all kinds of legal resources.
- Substantive
on the WWW Randy Singer's collection of links to
statutes and caselaw, federal, state, and international.
- Georgia
University Law Index Many links to online legal
- The
'Lectric Law Library Great resource of legal reference
materials for lawyers and laypersons.
- How To Shepardize
Manual for finding cites to legal cases.
- Federal
Locator Maintained by the Villanova Center for
Information Law and Policy.
- Fedworld
Index of U.S. government online information
- Official
Executive Branch Web Sites Gateway to Executive Branch.
- Federal
Register Proposed regulations posted here.
Gateway to the Administrative State. Start here to try to stop
further usurpations.
- National
Archives and Records Adminstration Archive of all kinds
of interesting information, including the Federal
Register and various images of important documents, such
as the Charters
- Congressional
Online So far only goes back to 1995.
- National
Constitution Center Museum devoted to constitutional
- Contacting the Congress Online
directory for the current U.S. Congress.
- Congressional Record: Advanced Search
Online directory for the most recent years of the proceedings of
the U.S. Congress.
- Government
Awareness Emerging site at MIT.
- Bill
Rights Institute Education resources on the subject.
- Federal
Judiciary Clearinghouse of information on U.S. federal
courts and news about them.
- Federal
Bureau of Investigation Has status of popular cases.
- Central
Intelligence Agency Online library of useful facts of
all kinds.
- Department
State Archive of international news and policies.
- U.S.
Information Service Used to be the USIA. Operates VoA.
Much useful information.
- Department
the Treasury Archive of information about money.
- Economic
trade sanctions against targeted foreign nations
Listing of those currently in force.
- Internal
Revenue Service Tax info, but can you cite this in your
defense if it's wrong?
- Census
Bureau All their data available here.
- Stat-USA
Huge databank of statistical data of all kinds.
- U.S.
Government WWW Servers
- Comprehensive
Financial Reports CAFRs) In case you thought we live in
a free enterprise economy.
- U.S.
Government gopher list
state information directory
- Thomson's
of the British Statutes in Force in the State of Florida
This mostly handwritten compilation is the most complete
collection of British colonial laws.
- Openlaw
An experiment in crafting legal argument in an open forum.
Online Continuing Legal Education (CLE). Focus on Texas, but
useful for lawyers and laypersons generally.
Online legal references, with a Canadian slant. See their Law Museum
and Legal
- Thomas:
Legislative Information on the Internet U.S. House and Senate
- Congressional
Directory Members of U.S. Congress with contact
information and committee membership.
- U.S.
House of Representatives Web page Legislation, members,
committees and organizations.
- U.S.
Senate Web Page Legislation, members, committees and
- U.S.
E-Mail Directory
- Almanac
American Politics Online version of this standard
reference work. Contains information on members of the U.S.
Congress and the states and districts they represent.
- National
Political Index Comprehensive directory of all things
- Congress
Action Provides up-to-date information on what is going
on in Congress that may require citizen action.
- Time's
Vote Database
- Political
- All
- Policy
Experts Directory of individuals and organizations
published by the Heritage Foundation.
- Project
Vote Smart
- Republican
Directory Archive of links to all kinds of sites related
to the GOP and conservatism, including email addresses of
national and state Republican elected officials.
- National
Simulation So you think it's so easy to balance the
budget and reduce the national debt? This game lets you try your
hand at it.
- Krieble
Institute USA Conducts monthly conferences on political
methods. Persons can interact via satellite or via the Internet
with RealAudio.
- American
Collection A project of the Library of Congress.
- Making
America Collection of 19th century books and journals by
Cornell University.
- American
Revival Collection by Micha Petty.
- Historical
Archive Collection by Don Mabry.
Particularly interesting for the constitutional issues raised.
- Amistad
Research Center Documents the 1839 slave rebellion
aboard a slave ship, capture of the rebels in the United States,
and their trials, which led to an appeal before theU.S. Supreme
Court, where they won their freedom and return passage to
These links have been moved to the Citizen Action page.
Nations & International
- Display
use of the U.S. flag
- Flags
the World Flags of almost every country and state, many
organizations. GIF files.
- World
Forum Essays on globalist themes, but not much on
constitutional legitimacy.
- PBS/WGBH-TV/Frontline
Much documentary material on Waco.
Coverage of constitutional processes and some issues.
- UFO-related
On-line Sites If there is something to it, and it is
being covered up, it affects everything, including
constitutional issues.
- FidoNet
Gateway to this interesting branch off the Internet.
- Internet
Conference Calendar Find the conferences you can attend.