We would like all of you who use materials on our web site regularly, especially those who use them professionally, to submit a short testimonial, 250 words or less, in which you state what you use, how, and why, what benefits of that use you have observed, and if our materials are also available on other sites, why you prefer to use our versions. If you are a teacher, please state where you teach, what subjects, for how long, and how many students have been taught. If you are a journalist, activist, scholar or legal professional, please state what cases or writings were aided by materials on our site. It is understood that your web URL or email address will be attached to your submission so others who might have similar applications may confer with you.
I just wanted to thank you for the web site constitution.org . Over the past 5 years I have gradually lost my fear of our Judicial Inquiry Commission and have engaged in a number of debates on Constitutional issues. I could have never prepared my talks without this fine web site and I suspect you are the genius behind it all.
Joseph S. "Rusty" Johnston
Circuit Judge, 13th Judicial Circuit, State of Alabama
2014/06/16, personal email
Thank you very much for making the entire collection of the United States Statutes at Large available in digital format at the Constitution Society website. To the best of my knowledge, your site is the only one that provides the entire collection of the Statutes digitally. I have been waiting for years for some organization or government agency to make the Statutes available online, so was thrilled when I found them at the Constitution Society. Bravo to you and the Constitution Society! In addition to working with the College of Business and the School of Economic Sciences I’m also the subject librarian for law. WSU doesn’t have a law school, so we collect primarily at the undergraduate level. The Statutes are an important resource and I’m so glad they are online.
Mary Gilles
Business and Economics Librarian, Washington State University
2014/06/13, personal email
I have been looking at your compilation of primary sources on the constitution.org website. I've been using your site to prepare a master's level curriculum proposal that combines civics with social studies, which I am calling "A Citizen's Approach to History." This is my first attempt at such a proposal, and your site has proven extraordinarily useful in finding appropriate primary source documents for the founding of America.
Again, thank you so much for the time and effort your took to compose this resource.
Ashley Harper
2012/04/06, personal email
Jon Roland is a true scholar. He has collected and put on line a treasure trove of documents. He is a master of a very broad range of the historical material. He is often fun because he brings real information into the debates. I have extraordinary respect for him, even if I dont buy [all his positions].
Calvin Johnson
Professor of Law, University of Texas.
Austin, TX
2011/06/19, on the Conlawprofs listserv
The problem you have when you post on this [election-law] list is that there are only a couple of people who even know what you are talking about. They think they are the smart ones and you the ignorant hick, when in fact they are simply clueless as to the history and approach to law you bring to the table.
Bradley A. Smith
Professor of Law, Capital University Law School.
Columbus, OH
I have benefited very much from your excellent site, by the way. It is an understatement to call it a great public service.
Thomas Woods, Jr.
Fellow of Ludwig Mises Institute, author of nine books, some
I teach US History at a community college in Texas. I find this site to be an invaluable tool. Not only do I frequently visit, I encourage my students to as well. The sheer volume of information contained within these pages is astounding. I wish I could block off enough time that I could read every single word! In any event, this is the first place I turn to for the answers to Constitutional questions. Thank you for taking the time to put together such a wonderful resource.
Brady Lee Hutchison
San Jacinto College South
Houston, Texas
The Constitution Society's website — Constitution.org — is absolutely the best of its kind on the entire worldwide web. As the leader of an internet-based national gun rights organization, it obvious to me that Jon Roland and his associates have invested literally tens of thousands of hours in painstaking research and meticulous re-publication of vital documents, many of which are nowhere else to be found on the internet. I use the Constitution Society website as a resource on a regular basis, and I urge anyone who cares about protecting the Constitution from legislative, judicial, executive and social attack to do the same. I am also a donor, and I will definitely be giving Mr. Roland and his organization money again — because I need this resource to last, and to expand. If you care about having the best and most thorough online archive ever created accessible to all, I strongly urge you to help fund this important ongoing project — beginning right this minute."
Angel Shamaya
Founder/Executive Director
2003 November 24
I'm a student of law at Cambridge University in England and wanted to write a quick note to let you know how much I'm enjoying your excellent website at http://constitution.org/liberlib.htm - it's the most sensible and useful thing I've seen on the Net in years.
Thanks again for providing an island of free, very useful resources in a rapidly commercialising world.
Daniel Francis
2003 November 21
Our organization has designated that it operates under Robert's Rules of Order Revised. I am a Member of the Board of Directors of our organization.
The name of our organization is the New York Thoroughbred Horsemen's Association, Inc which can be found on line at www.nytha.com . You are most welcome to visit our site.
I wish to thank you for making this website available to the public. Your work is greatly appreciated.
Robert Fox
2003 February 12
I was desperately trying to find two letters by Thomas Jefferson
written in January of 1809. I went to the Library of Congress web
site and found JPEG images of the letters but they were so faded I
couldn't read what Jefferson said. Then I tried your web site and
found them in readable text. I was so happy. Thanks to the
Constitution Society my research project is done.
Kimberley Jane Wilson
Librarian, Zuckerman Spaeder Law Library
Washington, DC, 2003 February 6
This is an excellent website (http://constitution.org/constitutionalism.htm),
I teach Law & Society at Purdue Calumet and I just had to
write and say Thanks!
— Tina Ebenger
I am using the website for research regarding federal enclave
jurisdiction. Your site has been more helpful than Westlaw!
— Carol Tempesta,
Malaby, Carlisle & Bradley, LLC, New York, NY.
I expect that we are not terribly similar in our political
beliefs, but I have to congratulate you on putting together a
truly wonderful, exemplary resource for anyone interested in our
system of government and its history. Excellent job!
— Martin Wessendorf,
Associate Professor, Neuroscience, University of Minnesota, 2002
December 3
I understand how much effort must've gone into publishing Cooley's "Principles. . . " You've made an important and self-sacrificing contribution to the "patriot" effort which deserves considerable respect and commendation. You certainly have mine. Congratulations on a job very well done.
Sincerely, without prejudice to my unalienable Rights
Alfred Adask
Creator and Proprietor, Suspicions News Magazine
— adask@gte.net
office: 972-418-8993 fax: 253-736-8703
c/o 2203 Woodcreek Ste. B at Carrollton, Dallas county Texas
[75006-1911] The United States of America
Constitution.org is doing a great service in putting the text
online of many of the finest books ever written on freedom and
political philosophy. I have been repeatedly most pleasantly
surprised to see an announcement of some old favorite book of mine
suddenly popping up on the web — such as John Taylor's Tyranny
Unmasked. The Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics is
a beacon that will help educate and rally future defenders of
— Jim Bovard, 2002 June 26
Author of numerous books, including A Lost
Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty, A Freedom
in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise of the Citizen,
A Shakedown:
How the Government Screws You from A to Z.
Page of the week, from Free-Market.net,
edited by Eric
C. Johnson
June 25, 2002
Constitution Society
If you ever need a reminder of just how shaky the ground that our society stands on is, all you need is to pick up a copy of the supposed "law of the land", the Constitution. Reading this document, which has never been repealed and is still cynically paid homage to by our elected officials, can be like reading a wild-eyed utopian manifesto from outer space. Maybe it did come from outer space. Sometimes it seems as if there are as many aliens walking among us as there are people who understand the principles of our constitutional republic.
The Constitution Society hopes to change this sorry state of affairs through research and education, and their website is an excellent start. If you've ever been inclined to think of the web as a giant library, their "Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics" will thrill you. I've rarely seen a larger or more organized collection of webbed books and articles on a single site. Absolutely everything you could care to know about consitutionalism, from Basic Principles to coverage of Abuses and Usurpations to a fun list of public officials and personalities who avow constitutional principles. (The list of judges warns "We have found no judges anywhere who are consistently faithful to the Constitution, but it seemed appropriate to include the least unfaithful of those available")
Being a reader of Free-Market.Net, you probably already appreciate the intellectual foundations of our republic. But, these days, it is not hard for those constitutionalist muscles to atrophy. Bookmarking and returning to the Constution Society is a good way to keep from forgetting. And sending others there is a good way, through gradual education, to help return the country to freedom.
... There is much more documented in the 1982 report [published
by the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution, entitled "The
Right to Keep and Bear Arms"] (available through the Government
Printing Office or at www.constitution.org/mil/rkba1982.htm#01).
Every citizen should read and study it, including editorial
writers and the Supreme Court. Hard-won rights are not easily
restored once they've been surrendered.
— Cal Thomas, syndicated columnist, in a May 16, 2002, column.
Constitutionalism, a chief academic interest during World War II
and the Cold War, has since drifted into curricular obscurity.
This is precisely a time, in light of the administrations of
Reagan and the two Bush presidents, when it is most needed. The
Constitution Society site is extremely valuable.... almost to the
extent of being — for today — "subversive". Let us hope.
— Harvey
Wheeler, political scientist, Professor at University of
Southern California. Noted Bacon scholar. May 24, 2002.
[Links to constitution.org]
... The Kentucky Resolutions were central to Jeffersonian thought; the states' rights doctrine he deployed here was even more important to his later thought than his lifelong dedication to natural rights....
In fact, Richard Henry Lee accused Jefferson of plagiarism. According to the man who signed the first motion for independence in June 1776, the Declaration was copied from John Locke’s Second Treatise. The Virginian had no reason to dispute that allegation. In fact, Jefferson considered this to be the document's real strength:
The object of the Declaration of Independence … was … not to find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of, not merely to say things which had never been said before; but to place before mankind the common sense of the subject … Neither aiming at originality of pri nciple or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the American mind ... All its authority rests then on the harmonizing sentiments of the day, whether expressed in conversation, in letters, printed essays, or in the elementary books of public right, as Aristotle, Cicero, Locke, Sidney, etc.
— Marco Bassani, in an article, May 27, 2002, scholar in residence at the Mises Institute and author of the introduction to the Italian edition of Rothbard’s Ethics of Liberty, teaches political thought at the University of Milan. He has just completed a treatise on Jefferson’s political thought to be published this year in Italian.
Your reports have been very helpful to me for providing good,
up-to-date legal case developments and historical references for
various matters in which I am actively involved. In other words,
your publications have been very valuable.
— Ethan Book 2nd. May 26,
I surely appreciate your site. It is a great reference. In fact,
I have made references to it in my own works: http://iranscope.ghandchi.com/0102-Int_Websites.htm.
And in a number of my other works: http://www.ghandchi.com
— Sam Ghandchi, Iranian
futurist and activist. May 26, 2002.
On this day it is an honor to have opportunity to thank you for the tremendous scholarly endeavor for our citizens and for our country to have a repository of great information and knowledge at our fingertips by your work and dedication . KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and you have offered a great contribution source for generations . Thank you . You cannot know how I rejoiced upon finding your website . — Camillia Olson, July 4, 2018.
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