Statement of Objects and Reasons appended to the Constitution
       (Forty-eighth Amendment) Bill, 1983 which was enacted as
       the  Constitution  (Forty-seventh   Amendment) Act, 1984


Article  31B of the Constitution confers on the enactments included in
the  Ninth  Schedule  to the Constitution immunity from  any   possible
attack  that they are violative of any of the fundamental rights.  The
immunity  does  not  extend to any amendment made to such  Acts   after
their inclusion in the Ninth Schedule.

2.  Recourse was had in the past to the Ninth Schedule whenever it was
found  that  progressive legislation conceived in the interest of  the
public  was  imperilled  by   litigation.   Several   State  enactments
relating  to  land reforms and ceiling on agricultural  land  holdings
have already been included in the Ninth Schedule.  The Sixth Five Year
Plan  (1980-85) contains an assurance that "necessary action would  be
taken  to bring before Parliament land reform Acts not yet included in
the  Ninth Schedule to the Constitution for immediate inclusion in the
said  Schedule" and that the same "would be done in the case of future
Acts  without delay so that these laws are protected from challenge in
courts".   The State Governments of Assam, Bihar, Haryana, Tamil Nadu,
Uttar  Pradesh  and  West Bengal and the Administration of  the   Union
territory  of Goa, Daman and Diu have suggested the inclusion of  some
of their Acts relating to land reforms in the Ninth Schedule.  Some of
the  Acts  suggested  for inclusion are by way of amendments  to   Acts
already  included in the Ninth Schedule.  The various Acts which  have
been  suggested for inclusion have been examined and it is proposed to
include  in the Ninth Schedule such of these Acts as have either  been
challenged  or are likely to be challenged and thereby ensure that the
implementation of these Acts is not adversely affected by litigation.

3.  The Bill seeks to achieve the above object.

NEW DELHI:                                      HARINATHA MISRA.

The 31st July, 1983.

                                ACT, 1984

                                                [26th August, 1984.]

An Act further to amend the Constitution of India.

BE  it enacted by Parliament in the Thirty-fifth Year of the  Republic
of India as follows:-

1.    Short   title.-This   Act  may   be   called   the    Constitution
(Forty-seventh Amendment) Act, 1984.

2.   Amendment  of  the Ninth Schedule.-In the Ninth Schedule  to  the
Constitution,  after  entry  188  and   before  the   Explanation,  the
following entries shall be inserted, namely:-

"189.   The  Assam  (Temporarily Settled Areas) Tenancy  Act,  1971
(Assam Act XXIII of 1971).

190.  The Assam (Temporarily Settled Areas) Tenancy (Amendment) Act,
1974 (Assam Act XVIII of 1974).

191.  The Bihar Land Reforms (Fixation of Ceiling Area and Acquisition
of  Surplus  Land) (Amendment) (Amending) Act, 1974 (Bihar Act  13  of

192.  The Bihar Land Reforms (Fixation of Ceiling Area and Acquisition
of Surplus Land) (Amendment) Act, 1976 (Bihar Act 22 of 1976).

193.  The Bihar Land Reforms (Fixation of Ceiling Area and Acquisition
of Surplus Land) (Amendment) Act, 1978 (Bihar Act VII of 1978).

194.  The Land Acquisition (Bihar Amendment) Act, 1979 (Bihar Act 2 of

195.   The  Haryana  Ceiling on Land Holdings  (Amendment)  Act,  1977
(Haryana Act 14 of 1977).

196.   The  Tamil  Nadu  Land Reforms (Fixation of  Ceiling  on  Land)
Amendment Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 1978).

197.   The  Tamil Nadu Land Reforms (Fixation of Act Ceiling on  Land)
Amendment Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu 11 of 1979).

198.  The Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition Laws (Amendment) Act, 1978
(Uttar Pradesh Act 15 of 1978).

199.   The West Bengal Restoration of Alienated Land (Amendment)  Act,
1978 (West Bengal Act XXIV of 1978).

200.   The West Bengal Restoration of Alienated Land (Amendment)  Act,
1980 (West Bengal Act LVI of 1980).

201.   The  Goa,  Daman and Diu Agricultural Tenancy Act,  1964  (Goa,
Daman and Diu Act 7 of 1964).

202.   The  Goa, Daman and Diu Agricultural Tenancy (Fifth  Amendment)
Act, 1976 (Goa, Daman and Diu Act 17 of 1976).".