
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W |


GAS AND GAS WORKS...                                          Sch.VII, List II-25. 
GENERAL CLAUSES ACT, provisions of, to apply to 
interpretation of the Constitution..                          367. 
      allocation of seat in the Council of States to          Sch.IV. 
      special provision with respect to the State of          371-I. 
      territory of...                                         Sch.I. 
      carriage of-
      by  air, rail or sea, and by national 
      waterways                                               Sch.VII, List I-30. 
      by inland waterways.                                    Sch.VII,List III-32. 
      taxes on - See under FINANCE. 
      definition of..                                         366(12). 
      production, supply and distribution of                  Sch.VII, List II-27. 
      standards of quality for-for export or 
      inter-State transport                                   Sch.VII, List I-51. 
      taxes on entry of-into a local area-See
      under FINANCE. 
      Repeal of.                                              395. 
      Transition from provisions of-, President's 
      power to make provisions for..                          392. 
GOVERNORS.                                                    153. 
      address by.....                                         175-176
      allowances, etc., for....                               158. 
      annual financial statement,-to cause to be 
      laid before the Legislature....                         202(1). 
      appointment of.                                         155. 
      appointment of-as administrators for Union 
      territories                                             239(2). 
      assent to.                                              200. 
      reservation of-for the consideration of President       200. 
      common-for two or more States.                          153. 
      conditions of office of..                               158. 
      Council of Ministers to aid and advise                  163. 
      decision of--on question as to disqualification
      of members of Legislature.....                          192(1). 
      discharge of the functions of on certain 
      contingencies                                           160. 
      discretionary power of                     163(1) & (2),Sch.VI,paras. 9 & 18. 
      emoluments, allowances, privileges 
      and rights in respect of leave of
      absence of.....                                         158(3),Sch.II,Part A,
      .....                                                   Sch.VII,List I-75. 
      executive action of State Government 
      to be expressed in the name of.....                     166(1). 
      executive power of State to vest in                     154. 
      legislative powers of....                               213. 
      See also under ORDINANCE. 
      oath or affirmation by...                               159. 
      power of-
      to apply Part VI, Chapter VI, to magistrates            237. 
      to appoint-
      (i)  Advocate General-See ADVOCATE-GENERAL. 
      (ii) member of State Legislative Assembly 
      to fill temporarily vacancies in the office 
      of Speaker                                              180(1). 
      (iii)member of State Legislative Council to 
      fill vacancies for the office of Chairman               184(1). 
      (iv) members  of  Public Service  Commission-See 
      (v)  Ministers-See COUNCIL OF MINISTERS. 
      to consult Election Commission in cases relating 
      to disqualification of a member of legislature          192(2). 
      to entrust State functions on Union Government          258A. 
      to frame regulations regarding conditions of 
      service, etc., of  Chairman  and  members  of 
      the State Public Service Commission.....                318. 
      to frame rules-
      regarding authentication of orders and other 
      instruments                                             166(2). 
      regarding convenient transaction of Government 
      business                                                166(3). 
      regarding procedure in respect of communications 
      between the Houses of State Legislature                 208(3). 
      regarding  recruitment of officers, etc., for a
      High Court                                              229(1) Proviso. 
      regarding recruitment of secretarial staff 
      of Houses of Legislature.                               187(3). 
      to grant pardons, etc., and to suspend, remit 
      or commute sentences.....                               161. 
      to nominate Anglo-Indians to Legislative Assembly       333. 
      to nominate members to Legislative 
      Council                                                 171(3)(e) & (5). 
      protection of-from legal proceedings                    361. 
      qualifications for appointment as                       157. 
      recommendation of-
      demand for a grant to be made on                        203(3). 
      necessary for introduction of Money Bills               207. 
      to be regarded as matter of procedure                   255. 
      resignation of office by.                               156(2). 
      right of-to address and send messages   to the 
      Legislature                                             175. 
      right of-to summon, prorogue and dissolve Legislature   174. 
      special address by                                      176.              
      special responsibility of.....                          371(2). 
      supplementary grants,-cause to be laid before 
      Legislature                                             205(1).
      term of office of...                                    156. 

GRAM SABHA                                                    243A.
GUARANTEE, definition of.                                     366(13). 
      allocation of seats in the Council of States to         Sch.IV. 
      special responsibility of the Governor for 
      establishment of development boards..                   371(2). 
      State of..                                              Sch.I.