The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, is an unresolved mystery. This page is a collection of materials and links that discuss this tragic event, but even if the case is never solved to the satisfaction of everyone, the investigations have served a useful purpose: to reveal deficiencies in our institutions, processes, and officials that require corrective action. Our focus will be on what needs to be done to correct those deficiencies.
Discussion and evidence on the assassination
Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination (CTKA) — Their Probe magazine online, with material on the assassinations of RFK, MLK, and others.
JFK Assassination Records Collection — The official records as they are released.
The Men Who Killed President John F. Kennedy — Examines evidence of possible conspiracy.
JFK Murder Solved — Site develops alternative theories on the assassination and offers tentative conclusions.
The Cover-up of the Conspiracy to Assassinate President John F. Kennedy — Answering Chomsky's Challenges.
JFK Zapruder film — See the famous JFK Zapruder film on line!
Warren Commission Report : Report of President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
The Kennedy Assassination — Excellent collection by John McAdams. Argues that Oswald acted alone.
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy — Many useful links here.
The John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage — Excellent European site.
Assassination of President Kennedy - Solved at Last!! — Decide for yourself.
John F Kennedy Assassination — Morgue photos.
Richard Case Nagell — The Man Who Knew Too Much.
Background events
President John F. Kennedy's Speech Announcing the Quarantine Against Cuba, October 22, 1962
Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy Cuban Missile Crisis
President President John F. Kennedy's Office Files, 1961-1963
Dead links — Please notify us of the new URL of any of these
JFK Assassination Home Page — Good starting point.
Coalition on Political Assassinations — Researches JFK, RFK, MLK and other assassinations.
Basic Evidence of Conspiracy — Evidence gathered for your consideration.
The Nixon-Bush Connection — Published by Paul Kangas.
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