STOP ALL FEDERAL ABUSES NOW (S.A.F.A.N. Internet Newsletter No. 19, June 19, 1996) WAR CRIMES: DESERT STORM = GULF WAR SYNDROME by Julianne Hamden Letter dated June 18, 1996 to Joe Jordan, National Vietnam P.O.W. Strike Force, 2614 Waugh Drive, Suite 217, Houston, TX 77006-2799 Dear Joe: Thank you so much for your support of Persian Gulf War Veteran and your stance that our biological evidence should not be destroyed. The Government has engaged in this cover-up during the early years of CFIDS and AIDS outbreaks by destroying the blood samples, inhibiting researchers' ability to fully study these diseases. There have also been some interesting developments worldwide on the issues of bio-warfare/population control that I would like to share with you: * Prisoners in Delaware given food brought back from Desert Storm now ill. * Desert Storm food also given out at food banks in Florida to low-income residents - now sick. * Flu vaccines given to South American women by World Health Organization (WHO) found to have birth control in them, Catholic Church protests. * HHS officials now acknowledge the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and Kaiser Permanente at fault for 1,500 mostly black and Hispanic children given "experimental" measles vaccines in Los Angeles in 1989. Their parents were not informed. One child died from a bacterial infection. * Montana Freemen afraid of jail and receiving cancer and "no brains" vaccines. * Japanese encephalitis vaccines forced upon military men in 1993 producing Kaposi's Sarcoma-like lesions and dementia. * Reports of babies born with "no human features" in military hospitals. * Native American children vaccinated without parents' knowledge now sick. Tribal elders report hantavirus outbreaks "after black helicopters spray". * Outbreaks of "mysterious" respiratory illness in nursing homes in Maryland, Virginia, etc., claiming lives. * Genetic cross-breeding of insects, plants, and animals. We now have "humanized" goats and pigs bread with human tissue creating mutants - and this is on the Evening News. * Gulf Vets and their family members dying of MS, hodgkins lymphoma, brain cancer, Lou Gehrigs' Diseas, and "AIDS-like cancers, and wasting syndromes, crying blood, etc. in Virginia and military hospitals. * VietNam-era Veteran stayed in VA hospital room with 3 Gulf Vets dying of cancer is now sick with GWS. * Gulf Vet picket up by civilian paramedics told by radio to "Mask, GWS is airborne and contagious". * African tribesmen in Zaire reported they believed that Ebola outbreaks were caused by World Health Organization (WHO) doctors. They were dismissed as ignorant. * Military Veterans being offered "arsenic coma" treatment at Walter Reed Army Medical Center - "we will put you in a coma and then try to bring you back". * Deformed children born to Gulf War Vets who only received vaccines but did not deploy. * Reports of military pilots sick but afraid to come foward, crashing planes. Joe, these are just the tip of the iceberg. By keeping the reports of outbreaks and illnesses sporadic, most people will miss the big picture. The scientists will tell you that "overuse of antibiotics, or airline travel, is responsible. That is bullshit - using animal tissue in vaccines and animal transplants - they have introduced animal viruses (like HIV-SIV in Monkeys) into the human population and cross-bred simple organisms into killers - and they hope we are too stupid to notice. They give the American people and especially military Veterans no credit for being able to read and comprehend. Thank you for all your support. We know this issue is not going away and that "the coming plague" is indeed true. The scientists would be smart to stop now, but obviously they were too stupid to acknowledge the consequences their experiments would bring and they would rather we all die blissfully unaware. Julianne Hamden %International Gulf War Illness Coalition Ph/FAX (704) 349-4285 =============================================================== S.A.F.A.N. Editors: Jan Dodge, Jeannie Cox, Jammie Featherstone, and Dot Bibee ( Ph/FAX (904) 453-3656 "It is NOT the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; It is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error". .....U.S. Supreme Court in American Communications Assn. v. Douds, 339 US 382,442 ===============================================================