The Case of John Pitner
Please Welcome John Pitner
Journalist reports on his investigation of the case.
The Pitner File
Basic facts in the case.
Pitner Clearly Framed
, by Carl Alexander
Modern Methods of Forced Confessions
Nightmare - Part 1
Nightmare - Part 2
Nightmare - Part 3
In The Belly of the Beast
Father Pleads For Innocent Son's Freedom
Federal Agents Charged with Criminal Actions
An Indefinite Prisoner of FEMA
Constitution Ruled Inadmissable as Evidence
Idaho Observer
Trying to sell your house is dangerous
, by Carl Alexander
Federal Government Exaggerates Danger of Militia Movement
, by David Foster, Associated Press
How far should government's anti-terrorism efforts go?
, by David Foster, Associated Press
John Pitner Legal Defense Fund
Q&A on Legal Defense Fund
Letter from Carl Alexander, 2000 Oct. 2
Attorneys in Pitner case
Abuses Page
Constitution Society