Mind Control Technology
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The governments of several nations, especially the United States and the
former Soviet Union, now Russia, have long had a program for the development
and use of mind control technology. Here are a few documents and links on this
important subject.
Introduction to Mind Control
— By Harry V. Martin & David Caul. Series of articles that originally
appeared in The Napa Sentinel, California.
Mind Control: Technology, Techniques
& Politics — Comprehensive gateway.
Deep Black Magic — Exposé
of government experimentation with potential for abuse.
Mind Control Forum — Publish
The Controllers — By Martin
Cannon. Paper on government mind-control research. Although originally written
as a hypothesis on alien abductions, it is largely of interest for what the
author has uncovered from public sources on research that involves actual or
potential abuse.
The State of Unclassified and Commercial
Technology Capable of Some Electronic Mind Control Effects, Eleanor
White, P.Eng., April 4, 2000.
Flatland Books — Sourse of
materials on the subject.
Barefoot's Tavistock Information —
Information on Tavistock Institute, where much mind control research has been