>From Barefoot Bob: --- MILITIA OF MONTANA P.O. Box 1486, Noxon, MT 59853 406-847-2735, or, 2246 v/fax June 2, 1996 WHO IS VIPER? Ina press release by Janet Napolitano, United States Attorney for the District of Arizona, she states that the 12 individuals arrested in Arizona were members of a "self-styled Arizona 'Viper' Militia." Fact: Thc Viper organization refers to itself as "Viper Team," not "Viper Militia." Fact: Viper Team is not a militia organization. It is a motorcycle and rocket club. Fact: Viper Team is composed mainly of older men who are Viet Nam veterans. Fact: Members of Viper Team were approached 2 - 3 months ago by two government agent provocatuers (or was it actually Booz-Allen Corp infiltrators fulfilling government contracts) to target buildings for extermination. Fact: The members of Viper Team told these agents "to go to hell!" Fact: One Viper Team member contacted a mutual friend of M.O.M.'s approximately three weeks ago, voicing his concern that his organization was about to be "set up like the guys in Georgia." (This is in reference to Bob Starr and other Americans who were set up by the BATF in Georgia. One ATF agent has testified on the stand that Mr. Starr had no knowledge of any explosives which werc buried on his land.) Sources close to the situation have informed us that one of the provocateurs was an individual named Jose Walls. We are working on identifying the second agent. We do have our suspicions at this time who this is, however, without substantial proof we are not at liberty to publicly announce his name. We believe he was also involved in coordinating the bombs in Oklahoma City. It is the irresponsibility of people like Ms. Napolitano when referring to Viper as a "militia," when in fact they are not, which causes further alienation of American citizens from their public servants. Militia of Montana ---- Have a Good Day :=) ----- If the People will Lead, the leaders will follow.----- Barefoot's World -- "http://www.nidlink.com/~bobhard/bftw.html" -- 800+ Links Barefoot Bob's Index Page - "http://www.nidlink.com/~bobhard/index.html" Barefoot Bob's Freedom and Survival Page - "http://www.nidlink.com/~bobhard/bfthpage.html" "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."- T.S. Eliot Love and Peace, Barefoot --------------------------------------- Rule of Law Committee Montana Freedom Point Citizens for Constitutional Government http://www.sisna.com/users/lancehamilton/rolc ftp://ftp.sisna.com/bitterroot/users/rolc lancehamilton@sisna.com "Non Calca Me"