JOHN DOE #2 IDENTIFIED (Part Four). by Mike Vanderboegh, 1ACR NOTE: The previously advertised topic VINCENT PETRUSKIE, or "WHAT'S A CIA SPOOK LIKE YOU DOING IN A BOMBING CONSPIRACY LIKE THIS?" has been postponed to a later issue in this series at the request of some investigatory types (media AND government). It is said they require time to focus their rectal microscopes. QUESTION: What WILL the CIA say when asked about the Petruskie/ Strassmeir link (among others)? JOHN DOE SEARCH UPDATE: Significant news articles related to the OKC/Strassmeir/Brescia connections appeared in the Sunday, 30 June 1996 editions of London Sunday Telegraph, the Nashville Tennesseean, the Philadelphia Inquirer and the McCurtain (OK) Gazette. All of these will be posted as upcoming sections of JD2, with explanatory comment on how they fit in to the larger picture. (If anyone has these articles electronically already, please send them to; it will save us time on the transcriptions.) Prediction: This story is going nova on television this week and next. The key is when one media outlet has the cojones to mention the ATF/Strassmeir connection. Not to mention our previously mentioned friends Petruskie and Kirk Lyons. HOW A GUN DEALER WHO TICKED OFF ANDY STRASSMEIR GOT TO SLEEP WITH THE FISHES. For now, while all this is in progress, I give you the latest victims of the Oklahoma City conspiracy-- the Muellers. (See attached article from Arkansas Democrat Gazette). Sources say the FBI is VERY, VERY interested in this case. QUESTION: Why is one gun dealer robbed and left with a fuzzy memory, and another killed with all his family and dumped in a bayou? COMING UP IN JOHN DOE #2 IDENTIFIED, PART FIVE Mikey Brescia (JD2) hangs with the Homeboy Bank Robbers.