STOP ALL FEDERAL ABUSES NOW (S.A.F.A.N. Internet Newsletter, No. 26, June 23, 1996) ESTABLISH A THIRD CONTINENTAL CONGRESS by Ray Southwell To All Patriots: Since the bombing in Oklahoma City, the militia has fragmented into several groups. Some militias have gone underground, some remain active and open, and some have become patriot groups and are no longer militias by definition. God has blessed me over the past several months with working as a Registered Nurse in an inner city emergency room. I can now understand what is occurring in the inner city and also see what will occur in this country if justice is not returned. One militia leader who is black said, "Ray, the injustice occurring to whites throughout America has been occurring to blacks for the last 440 years." His comment proves what I have long believed, that when justice is removed for the people and corruption prevails, anarchy develops. Anarchy brings in a police state for the safety of the masses. Detroit is an example -- a police state during the day, and anarchy during the night. It is no longer safe to be on the streets at night regardless of color or behavior. The anarchy has developed from the anger that has been generated from the corrupt judicial system. This anger is expressed by violence against the Police, the Public, and on each other. Instead of focusing this energy on corrupt officials these individuals are destroying their communities. My great fear is this, after being in the inner city, is that what I have observed is about to befall this nation from coast to coast. With the current militia fragmentation, under multiple leadership, its lack of unified direction, membership frustration, and in the face of continued injustice, anarchy will be commonplace in America with the next abuse of governmental power. Like Detroit, the militias will direct the anger against each other, police authority, the public, and perceived tyrannical individuals. They will become judge, jury, and executioner. With this national anarchy comes a police state with public consent. With my observations of the militia movement and from my conclusions drawn from the city of Detroit, we in the militia and patriot communities must become unified in our direction. It is for the above reasons that we must establish a Third Continental Congress. The militia can then fall under the authority and direction of this legislative body. This Third Continental congress could reestablish Justice in America for all the people, whatever color they may be, or whatever faith system they may observe. If the militia do not follow and fall under the authority of this legislative arm of the people anarchy will prevail, bring in martial law and a police state. This Third Continental Congress should be established as the First and the Second were, by vote of the people willing to save this great nation and to secure liberty for themselves and their posterity. In conclusion, the militia cannot be the judge, jury, and executioner. The question is, are there enough spiritual people to establish justice for all, regardless of who they may be, or who the media may portray them to be. God willing, we can establish a Third Continental Congress to return justice to America. The militia is the defensive military arm of the people, not a political arm. We must separate the two and get to work before it is too late. I have set aside, for the time being, my active involvement in the Michigan Militia to pursue what I believe is God's will. I need your help. If you have ideas or questions, or want to be involved in the establishment of the Third Continental Congress, please contact me as soon as possible. My phone number is (616) 529-6646 or write to me at P. O. Box 564, Brutus, MI 49706. Ray Southwell (June 19, 1996) Co-Founder, Michigan Militia Corps Transcribed from a FAX by SAFAN Editor: Dot Bibee ( Ph/FAX (904) 453-3656 The SAFAN Internet Newsletter was started so that we could focus our attention on the abuses of the Federal government and those corrupt officials who cause and are allowing this abuse to take place. Since May 28, we have published 26 newsletters from many different sources about many kinds of federal abuse. Please re-read this POST very carefully, since this message offers a solution to how we can focus our attention on something constructive. We must LEARN to work together. Please PRAY for a SOLUTION to take our country back.