STOP ALL FEDERAL ABUSES NOW (S.A.F.A.N. Internet Newsletter, No. 22, June 20, 1996) SLAVERY By Joseph Wesley Newman (Editorial George County Times, Lucedale, MS 39542 June 20, 1996) "In the spirit of the Declaration of Independence 220 years ago! " Both the Republicans and Democratic parties have conspired evermore since 1913 to subvert the dictate of the Declaration of Independence and through "shell games" have mesmerized the people of this God-given nation into voluntary slavery. A greedy, evil Few now have King-like power over the people and their lives, hopes and dreams. EXAMPLE: They deliberately deceive you by the false wording "Federal Reserve System." These evil Few have always known you the people would believe that the Federal Reserve System belonged to the people. Wrong! The wording is a deliberate, premeditated lie! Let me make it simple in terms of what they have done to you and your children. Their fraud is equivalent to me telling every person in the United States: 1. Each person has to plow, fertilize, plant and harvest 100 acres of corn. 2. Each person must then give me all the corn that is grown. 3. I will then loan each person just enough corn to live on until next year's harvest. 4. Then each person will give me back the corn that I loaned to you in #3 above. 5. But now each person must also pay me interest on the corn. 6. You must also give me this year's harvest of corn in totality. 7. Now I will loan you enough corn to live on in the coming year, but with one great exception: You now have a deficit with me! 8. According, I now give you a little less corn to live on in #7 above than I did in #3 above. 9. Now I keep repeating this scenario year after year until you are willing to wake up and fight me for justice for you and your loved ones. 10. Note: In the scenario above you and your loved ones have a greater and greater deficit year by year and yet you also have less and less year by year. 11. This is exactly what the greedy evil "king-mentality" Few have done to the people of this nation since 1913. And now their desire to get you into voluntary slavery is becoming more and more blatant. The "Black-mail" now happening to the people of George County now proves the Truth which I have repeatedly presented. NOTE: Individuals or leaders of this nation who truly loved the people more than his or her own life would most certainly take action to give all the corn (of #1-10 above) to the people. EXAMPLE: In the 1950s, a man could bring home the bacon, pay the mortgage, and his wife could raise the children as God intended. Now, both the husband and wife work, they still cannot live as they lived in the 1950s and the children of te nation are not raised and taught as God intended and teaches. And the nation is now reaping this discord. NOTE: To all of you - If you bet your family's well-being on a horse race, you would not bet on a horse with a record of losing, but a horse with a history of winning. Likewise, if you are to choose a person for President of this nation, would you not find it equally as intelligent to examine the Life Record of the individual as to whether they have proof that they have served the people or themselves and the evil Few they represent? Clinton is as wishy-washy as one can be. Dole even brags that he has been a part of a system which for years has taken more and more from you and your loved ones' happiness, hopes, and dreams. In sharp contrast my life is well-documented that I fight for all People at great expense to myself. I have repeatedly shown that I believe God loves all peoples who obey God's Laws. You know that I will not betray what I promise to the people - no matter what the cost to me. To all people who think: It is no accident that God mentally spoke to me at the end of 1987 to warn the world. I was mocked and laughed at for so warning the world. Now, numerous national documentaries feature many different people across the planet who predict that the world will be punished by God. Many religious leaders now predict this, including Billy Graham. QUESTON: Why did God choose me to so warn the world at the height of world publicity concerning my energy machine invention? During 1986-87 I had been featured in LIFE Magazine, CBS/NBC/ABC/CNN National News, in thousands of newspapers, talk shows, and on the Tonight show with Johnny Carson. I was told by God to so warn the world at that early time - years before the top religious leaders of this nation have come forward to say what I have said much earlier. I did so at great cost to myself and my life's work. QUESTION: Knowing that what I say is true, do you think it is an accident that I can easily see through the "shell games" of the Republican and Democratic Party leaders, who are themselves pawns under the willful control of the evil Few at the expense of your future happiness, hopes and dreams? No - it is no accident! God has given me the knowledge and Fighting Spirit to serve the People.Don't you think for a second that if you join me in a Third Party - the Truth and Action Party - that the Power Brokers can beat us. No! Because God is, and will be, with us! It is easy to expose their "shell games". Join me and force them to discuss the Federal Reserve System and Deficit with me before the People. They will cringe at the thought! Truth is like a laser beam and will burn through the politician's Garbage. FACT: The evil Few through the manipulation and control of both the Republican and Democratic parties have placed you and your loved ones under perpetual indentured slavery where each new generation of children must perpetually pay off the Evil and Criminal False Debt created against their parents by the evil Few. ACTION: Set yourselves free! Help found and vote the Truth and Action Party founded by "God" through the mere servant of myself. Joseph Wesley Newman P.S. My life's work is this week appearing in a national scientific journal "Infinite Energy", published by a former editor at MIT. TO ALL GULF WAR VETERANS: I will soon be presenting credible evidence of great importance to you which will further prove what I have written in this letter.