Coalition for Non-Partisan
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Proposal for non-partisan congressional redistricting plans in
- Petition in Intervention of Jon
Roland in Perez v. Perry, the Texas redistricting case, September
6, 2011.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Exhibit A — Plot of curves
representing alternative maps and the Standard of Proof proposed.
Order by U.S. District Court — August 4, 2006, adopting a redistricting proposal and ordering the election to be conducted according to it in those districts.
Texas Election Code Section 204.021, according to which election
is to be held November 7, 2006.
Texas Election Code Chapter 203, referred to by 204.021, prescribing how to hold special elections to fill legislative vacancies.
Texas Election Code Section 172.024, referred to by 203.005, defining filing fees for primary election, which appears to only apply for parties that hold primaries, and not minor parties like the Libertarian Party of Texas.
Texas Election Code Section 141.062, referred to by 203.005, defining petition requirements.
Opinion by U.S. District Court — August 4, 2006, explaining their order.
- Petition in Intervention of Jon
Roland in LULAC v. Perry, the Texas redistricting case, July
12, 2006.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Exhibit A — Plot of curves
representing alternative maps and the Standard of Proof proposed.
- V Exhibit C — Demo of Texas congressional redistricting. (Media Player 233MB).
Order by U.S. District Court — June 29, 2006, calling for filing of proposals by July 14 and hearing on August 3, 2006.
Remand by U.S. Supreme Court — June 28, 2006.
Amicus curiae brief of Jon
Roland in Session v. Perry, the Texas redistricting case, January
20, 2005.
PR: Non-partisan redistricting
gains support, July 1, 2003
PR: Testimony, House
Redistricting Committee, July 2, 2003
- V
of Texas congressional redistricting. (Media Player 233MB) Video interview of staff of the Redistricting Division of the Texas Legislative Council, May 16, 2003, and
aired on public access cable May 18, 2003.
version. You will need the latest version of RealPlayer to view it, and a high-bandwidth
connection to the Internet.
- V Testimony before the Texas House Committee on Redistricting, July 2, 2003.
- V Testimony before the Texas Senate Committee on Jurisprudence, July 14, 2003.
- X 2000 Texas populations by
county descending (Excel spreadsheet).
Texas Legislative
Texas AG Opinion: Congressional
redistricting for 2003-2010: GA-0063
Texas Constitution: State House
of Representatives Redistricting — Instructive, in that it does not
mandate the Legislature approve a particular map, but allows for legislation to
provide for generation of maps by a computer.
Redistricting Software — Used
to draw district boundaries. Can be used to make districts that do not take
into account voting patterns of the interests of incumbents.
Fixing the Reapportionment
Mess, by Bill Blomberg, Dec. 7, 2000 — Calls for drawing electoral
districts using impartial computer programs.
Brief Of Amici Curiae Professors Gary King, Bernard Grofman, Andrew Gelman, and Jonathan N. Katz, in Support of Neither Party — Calls for Court to adopt "symmetry standard" for determining whether a district map is unconstitutionally gerrymandered. Does not provide "standard of proof" requested by Justice Kennedy in Vieth v. Jubelirer, but that was indicated in Roland brief above.
Brief Of Samuel Issacharoff, Burt Neubourne, and Richard A. Pildes as Amici Curiae in Support of Appellants — Interesting argument that got no traction before the U.S. Supreme Court in 2006.
Drafts of bills for automated non-partisan
congressional redistricting.
Variant 0 — Would redraw districts every two
years, split up to 50 counties.
Variant 1 — Would redraw districts every ten
years, split up to 20 counties.
Texas Legislative Rules of Procedure
Senate — 78th
House of Representatives
— 77th Legislature
Recent federal court cases
Vieth v. Jubelirer, 541 U.S. 267, originally in the Eastern District, Third Circuit, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Invitation for a solution made in Justice Kennedy's comment:
- With no agreed upon substantive principles of fair districting, there is no basis on which to define clear, manageable, and politically neutral standards for measuring the burden a given partisan classification imposes on representational rights. Suitable standards for measuring this burden are critical to our intervention. ... There are, then, weighty arguments for holding cases like these to be nonjusticiable. However, they are not so compelling that they require the Court now to bar all future partisan gerrymandering claims. ... That a workable standard for measuring a gerrymander's burden on representational rights has not yet emerged does not mean that none will emerge in the future.
Jenner collection —
Links to most of the case pleadings
Votelaw Announcement June 27,
2003 — Links to some of the case pleadings
Reform Institute Press Release
September 3, 2003 — Reform Institute Asks the U.S. Supreme Court to
End Gerrymandering & Restore Competitive Elections
Reform Institute Press Release
September 25, 2003 — U.S. Supreme Court Schedules Oral Argument in
Pennsylvania Redistricting Case for December 10, 2003
U.S. Supreme Court
Reform Institute amicus
brief — Sets forth the arguments to reject gerrymandering.
Texas House Democratic Caucus
amicus brief — Filed by Democrat members of Texas House of
Very impressive work. Despite the army of law professors touting their theories you alone seem to have a handle on a lawful way out of the gerrymander mess.
— Michael Richardson, Ballot Access Project, Email 2006/08/04